Guanetta Gordon

Guanetta Gordon is the author of eight books of poetry, a historical novel entitled The Aurora Tree, and has received countless awards for her work as a writer. She was chosen poet laureate of her native state of Kansas, as well as Poet of the Year in 1980 by the Arizona State Poetry Society. She was celebrated with special honors by her alma mater, Baker University, and has been awarded a honorary doctorate in literature from The World Academy of Arts and Culture. She served eighteen years on the national board of directors of the National League of American Pen Women. Her archival materials are preserved in the Kansas Division of the library of the University of Kansas. As a young women she was active as a radio actress and a model. Her image personalized the illustrations for the heroine of Leslie Ford's serialized mysteries in The Saturday Evening Post. She is listed in several biographical dictionaries: Who's Who in Poetry, Who's Who of American Women, and The Foremost Women of the Twentieth Century. In private life she was the wife of a career military officer, having made her home in 22 locations all over the world.